Sunday, March 15, 2009

breaking bread

i met two members of a tribe, a group of sentient beings that everyone reading this blog belongs to. the curious and the compassionate tribe.

this man and this woman, this couple, are journey people. they're many things, to many to mention in this correspondance but there is one recently acquired skill that took center stage in our communion. jewelry making.

i have a momento from their efforts to mark 3 days of enlightened conversation. it was nice to have the company. thoughts on the past 72 hrs:

a conversation with a stranger can turn into dialouge with an intimate friend
if you extend, if you comprehend the endless connection of
all organic things.

we all want to share, to be shared,
to compare ponts of view... hues from a colorful life...

it's simple really, it takes an ear.
a willing ear and the lack of fear to learn anothers narrative. a
story that could dramatically effect our own...
we are not alone...
fellow journeymen are to be found in every situation.
sometimes all it takes is a simple hello.

(the other photo... well that's just a cool fucking t-shirt)


  1. mumford & sons; adele.. don't forget.

  2. man, that first photo cracks me up, i love it. his shirt, but mostly that smile on his face, it's a beautiful thing. and by the way, you've got a gift with words, a serious rythm going on with these observations. "hues from a colorful life", "a willing ear and a lack of fear", and so on, beautiful stuff.

  3. Really beautiful photos, you have a real gift.
    I think you have a real gift with words as well.
    Just loved all of them, glad you put yourself
    in some of them.

  4. You are a fine actor, poet and photographer. What can't you do?!! Also, I just love the show "Justified". Play hard!


  5. The pictures are really amazing. Its a bittersweet for me as an Indian I am yet to capture such moments real time. I really enjoyed your writing style. It seems disjointed but yet the flow is inherent much like a river flowing over rocks.

  6. Walton, you intrigue me. After reading and studying your writings and exceptional photographs, I feel like I was part of your journey. Thank you for that. You're a beautiful soul, Love from Iowa! -Erin

  7. i tend to keep strangers at arm's length... keep conversations short and move on. a richer life could surely lie on the other side of changes in this direction, but how to remember stay open to them and break free from the comfort of habit... that's the question. good post to shake up thought. thank you.


  8. Everyone must have knowledge about spirituality. It can give you inner strength to lead a happy life. Thanks for this post. Question Signal
